Automation and Make


Learning Objectives

  • Explain what Make is for.
  • Explain why Make differs from shell scripts.
  • Name other popular build tools.

Suppose we have a script,, that reads in a text file, counts the words in this text file, and outputs a data file:

$ python books/isles.txt isles.dat

If we view the first 5 rows of the data file using head,

$ head -5 isles.dat

we can see that the file consists of one row per word.

the 3822 6.7371760973
of 2460 4.33632998414
and 1723 3.03719372466
to 1479 2.60708619778
a 1308 2.30565838181

Each row shows the word itself, the number of occurrences of that word, and the number of occurrences as a percentage of the total number of words in the text file. As another example:

$ python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
$ head -5 abyss.dat
the 4044 6.35449402891
and 2807 4.41074795726
of 1907 2.99654305468
a 1594 2.50471401634
to 1515 2.38057825267

Suppose we also have a script,, that reads in a data file and plots the 10 most frequently occurring words:

$ python isles.dat show

Close the window to exit the plot. can also save the plot as an image (e.g. a JPEG):

$ python isles.dat isles.jpg

Together these scripts implement a common workflow:

  1. Read a data file.
  2. Perform an analysis on this data file.
  3. Write the analysis results to a new file.
  4. Plot a graph of the analysis results.
  5. Save the graph as an image, so we can put it in a paper.

Running and at the shell prompt, as we have been doing, is fine for one or two files. If, however, we had 5 or 10 or 20 text files, this would quickly become monotonous. We could write a shell script to loop over our text files and create data files and images for each in turn, but this too can cause problems. If a text file changes then we need to re-run our analysis and recreate our graph, but only for the text file that changed, not all of them. Furthermore, we only want do this if and only if the text file has changed.

Make was developed by Stuart Feldman in 1977 as a Bell Labs summer intern, and remains in widespread use today. Make can execute the commands needed to run our analysis and plot our results. Like shell scripts it allows us to execute complex sequences of commands via a single shell command. Unlike shell scripts it explicitly records the dependencies between files and so can determine when to recreate our data files or image files, if our text files change. Make can be used for any commands that follow the general pattern of processing files to create new files, for example:

  • Run analysis scripts on raw data files to get data files that summarise the raw data.
  • Run visualisation scripts on data files to produce plots.
  • Parse and combine text files and plots to create papers.
  • Compile source code into executable programs or libraries.

There are now many build tools available, for example Apache ANT, doit, and nmake for Windows. There are also build tools that build scripts for use with these build tools and others e.g. GNU Autoconf and CMake. Which is best for you depends on your requirements, intended usage, and operating system. However, they all share the same fundamental concepts as Make.

GNU Make is a free, fast, well-documented, very popular and highly extended one of some Make implements. From now on, we will focus on it, then when we say Make, we mean GNU Make.