Automation and Make


Learning Objectives

  • Use Make’s wildcard function to get lists of files matching a pattern.
  • Use Make’s patsubst function to rewrite file names.

At this point, we have the following Makefile:


# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

%.dat : books/%.txt $(COUNT_SRC)
    $(COUNT_EXE) $< $*.dat

# Generate archive file.
analysis.tar.gz : *.dat $(COUNT_SRC)
    tar -czf $@ $^

.PHONY : clean
clean :
        rm -f *.dat
        rm -f analysis.tar.gz

Make has many functions which can be used to write more complex rules. One example is wildcard. wildcard gets a list of files matching some pattern, which we can then save in a variable. So, for example, we can get a list of all our text files (files ending in .txt) and save these in a variable by adding this at the beginning of our makefile:

TXT_FILES=$(wildcard books/*.txt)

We can add .PHONY target and rule to show the variable’s value:

.PHONY : variables
    @echo TXT_FILES: $(TXT_FILES)

If we run Make:

$ make variables

We get:

TXT_FILES: books/abyss.txt books/isles.txt books/last.txt books/sierra.txt

Note how sierra.txt is now included too.

The following figure shows the dependencies embodied within our Makefile, involved in building the analysis.tar.gz target, once we have introduced our function:

analysis.tar.gz dependencies after introducing a function

analysis.tar.gz dependencies after introducing a function

patsubst (‘pattern substitution’) takes a pattern, a replacement string and a list of names in that order; each name in the list that matches the pattern is replaced by the replacement string. Again, we can save the result in a variable. So, for example, we can rewrite our list of text files into a list of data files (files ending in .dat) and save these in a variable:

DAT_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.dat, $(TXT_FILES))

We can extend variables to show the value of DAT_FILES too:

.PHONY : variables
    @echo TXT_FILES: $(TXT_FILES)
    @echo DAT_FILES: $(DAT_FILES)

If we run Make,

$ make variables

then we get:

TXT_FILES: books/abyss.txt books/isles.txt books/last.txt books/sierra.txt
DAT_FILES: abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat sierra.dat

Now, sierra.txt is processed too.

With these we can rewrite clean and dats:

.PHONY : clean
clean :
        rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
        rm -f analysis.tar.gz

.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

Let’s check:

$ make clean
$ make dats

We get:

python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python books/sierra.txt sierra.dat

We can also rewrite analysis.tar.gz too:

analysis.tar.gz : $(DAT_FILES) $(COUNT_SRC)
    tar -czf $@ $^

If we re-run Make:

$ make clean
$ make analysis.tar.gz

We get:

$ make analysis.tar.gz
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python books/sierra.txt sierra.dat
tar -czf analysis.tar.gz abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat sierra.dat

We see that the problem we had when using the bash wild-card, *.dat, which required us to run make dats before make analysis.tar.gz has now disappeared, since our functions allow us to create .dat file names from those .txt file names in books/.

Here is our final Makefile:


TXT_FILES=$(wildcard books/*.txt)
DAT_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.dat, $(TXT_FILES))

.PHONY: variables
    @echo TXT_FILES: $(TXT_FILES)
    @echo DAT_FILES: $(DAT_FILES)

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

%.dat : books/%.txt $(COUNT_SRC)
    $(COUNT_EXE) $< $*.dat

# Generate archive file.
analysis.tar.gz : $(DAT_FILES) $(COUNT_SRC)
    tar -czf $@ $^

.PHONY : clean
clean :
    rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
    rm -f analysis.tar.gz

Remember, the file contains:

# Count words script.